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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - and


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1. знак & 2. соединяет однородные члены предложения и целые предложения и, с Paul and Mary —- Пол и Мери apples, pears and plums —- яблоки, груши и сливы they sang and danced —- они пели и танцевали you and I —- мы с вами 3. из названий, преим. предметов питания и быта, образует сочетания, часто употребляемые с глаголом в ед. числе и с неопределенным артиклем с bread and butter —- хлеб с маслом ham and eggs —- яичница с ветчиной knife and fork —- нож с вилкой, столовый прибор из двух предметов whisky and soda —- виски с содовой father and mother —- отец с матерью; родители all men and women —- все люди fish and chips is a good supper —- рыба с картошкой - хороший ужин 4. ам. простореч. в усеченных словосочетаниях с coffee and —- кофе с пончиками ham and —- яичница с ветчиной pork and —- свинина с фасолью 5. образует многозначные числа two hundred and twenty five —- двести двадцать пять two thousand and thirty —- две тысячи тридцать four and twenty —- двадцать четыре 6. присоединяет дроби к целым числам и, с four and three quarters —- четыре и три четверти four and a half —- четыре с половиной 7. разг. присоединяет инфинитив к глаголам go, come, try и некоторым другим и указывает на цель, намерение для того чтобы, и go and look at it —- пойди и взгляни на это come and see —- давай посмотри-ка try and do it —- попробуй это сделать mind and bring the book —- не забудь принести книгу let's wait and see —- поживем - увидим 8. после глагола go вносит в высказывание элемент неожиданности the patient went and died on me —- мой пациент неожиданно умер his wife went and had another child —- его жена взяла да и родила еще одного ребенка 9. присоединяет прилагательные nice и good к другим прилагательным и придает им усилительное значение the room was nice and cool —- в комнате была приятная прохлада he was good and angry —- он был взбешен I'll go when I'm good and ready —- я поеду, когда буду совершенно готов 10. соединяя два одинаковых слова, подчеркивает различие в качестве, свойствах и there are friends and friends —- есть друзья и друзья there are dogs and dogs, some mean, some friendly —- собаки бывают разные - одни злые, другие добрые 11. значение множественности или длительности процесса и better and better —- все лучше и лучше worse and worse —- все хуже и хуже for hours and hours —- час за часом; в течение долгих часов he talked and talked —- он говорил и говорил we walked miles and miles —- мы все шли и шли 12. в сочетаниях and so on, and so forth и так далее, и тому подобное we discussed travelling, sightseeing, and so forth —- мы говорили о путешествиях, достопримечательностях и тому подобном 13. и другие; и прочие parties, picnics and so on —- вечера, пикники и многое другое and then —- а потом, и затем; кроме того, помимо этого and yet, and still —- и все же, однако and how —- еще как you must be tired! - and how! —- вы, должно быть, устали! - Еще бы! 14. присоединяет слово или предложение, прибавляющее что-л. логически непосредственно не связанное с высказанной мыслью дополнительное сообщение и; к тому же, при этом it is a mere joke, and a poor one —- это просто анекдот, к тому же глупый 15. сообщение, имеющее значение результата, следствия а, и he told her and she wept —- он сказал ей, и она заплакала 16. после глаголов в повелительном наклонении вводится предложение, выражающее неизбежное следствие и stir and you are a dead man —- (по)шевельнись - и ты покойник 17. употребляется при противопоставлении а, и you take a seat, and I shall stand —- вы садитесь, а я постою they staved at home, and we left —- они остались дома, а мы ушли you are wrong, and you insist on being right —- вы неправы и упорствуете в своей неправоте 18. разг. в начале вопросительного предложения выражает удивление и, неужели and you did it? —- и ты это сделал? 19. обозначает переход к новой мысли а and who goes with you? —- а кто с вами поедет? and what good can it do? —- а что хорошего может получиться из этого?
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См. в других словарях

  cj.  1) соединительный союз и boys and girls - мальчики и девочки  2) в сложных словах four and twenty - двадцать четыре a hundred and twenty - сто двадцать give-and-take policy - политика взаимных уступок  3) противительный союз а, но I shall go and you stay here - я пойду, а ты оставайся здесь there are books and books - есть книги и книги  4) присоединяет инфинитив к сказуемому try and do it - постарайтесь это сделать come and see - приходите посмотреть wait and see - поживем - увидим for miles and miles - бесконечно; очень далеко for hours and hours - часами, очень долго and yet - и все же AND what not и так далее AND all  а) и всё остальное he bought the house and all он купил дом и всё, что в нём было  б) и так далее, и всё такое прочее, и тому подобное AND so forth и так далее AND so on и так далее ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (операция) И, конъюнкция, логическое умножение ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  conj. 1 a connecting words, clauses, or sentences, that are to be taken jointly (cakes and buns; white and brown bread; buy and sell; two hundred and forty). b implying progression (better and better). c implying causation (do that and I'll hit you; she hit him and he cried). d implying great duration (he cried and cried). e implying a great number (miles and miles). f implying addition (two and two are four). g implying variety (there are books and books). h implying succession (walking two and two). 2 colloq. to (try and open it). 3 in relation to (Britain and the EEC). Phrases and idioms and/or either or both of two stated possibilities (usually restricted to legal and commercial use). Etymology: OE and AND suffix forming nouns meaning 'a person or thing to be treated in a specified way' (ordinand). Etymology: L gerundive ending -andus ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use and to link two or more words, groups, or clauses. When he returned, she and Simon had already gone... Between 1914 and 1920 large parts of Albania were occupied by the Italians... I’m going to write good jokes and become a good comedian... I’m 53 and I’m very happy. CONJ 2. You use and to link two words or phrases that are the same in order to emphasize the degree of something, or to suggest that something continues or increases over a period of time. Learning becomes more and more difficult as we get older... We talked for hours and hours... He lay down on the floor and cried and cried. CONJ c darkgreen]emphasis 3. You use and to link two statements about events when one of the events follows the other. I waved goodbye and went down the stone harbour steps... = then CONJ 4. You use and to link two statements when the second statement continues the point that has been made in the first statement. You could only really tell the effects of the disease in the long term, and five years wasn’t long enough... CONJ 5. You use and to link two clauses when the second clause is a result of the first clause. All through yesterday crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square. CONJ 6. You use and to interrupt yourself in order to make a comment on what you are saying. As Downing claims, and as we noted above, reading is best established when the child has an intimate knowledge of the language... CONJ 7. You use and at the beginning of a sentence to introduce something else that you want to add to what you have just said. Some people think that starting a sentence with and is ungrammatical, but it is now quite common in both spoken and written English. Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way places. And business travelers are the ones who go to those locations. CONJ 8. You use and to introduce a question which follows logically from what someone has just said. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ conjunction 1 used to join two words, parts of sentences, etc  (Do you want a pen and a bit of paper? | The film starred Jack Lemmon and Shirley Maclaine. | We've dealt with items one, two, and eleven. | We'll have to reduce costs and borrow more money. | You need to know what rights you have and how to use them.) 2 then; afterwards  (Have your lunch and get a bath. | She picked up the kitten and put it in the box. | He knocked on the door and went in. | wait and see)  (You'll have to wait and see what happens.) 3 used to say that something is caused by something else  (I missed supper and I'm starving! | She took some medicine and was sick.) 4 used when adding numbers  (Six and four is ten.) 5 come and .../go and .../try and ... etc especially BrE used instead of `to'  (Shall we go and have a cup of coffee? | I'll see if I can try and persuade her to come.) 6 spoken used to introduce a statement, comment, question etc  (And now I'd like to introduce our next speaker, Mrs Thompson. | "We're trying to sort out our next holiday." "And where's the favourite place?" "Oh, America.") 7 used between repeated words to emphasize what you are saying  (More and more people are losing their jobs. | We waited for hours and hours! | That was years and years ago. | We ran and ran.) 8 nice and .../good and ... used to emphasize how nice or good something is  (I like my tea nice and hot.) 9 a hundred and four/three thousand, five hundred and seventy six etc used after the word `hundred' and before the numbers 1 to 99 when saying numbers 10 three and three quarters, nineteen and a half etc used after the whole number and before the fraction (2) when saying numbers  (in about two and a half month's time | five and a quarter percent) 11 used in descriptions of food and drink to mean served with  (Do you want some fish and chips? | I'll have a gin and tonic. | bread and butter (=bread with butter spread on it)) 12 there are experts and experts/computers and computers etc used to say that some are much better than others 13 and? spoken used when...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Associate Administrator for NAS Development mil. abbr. Automatic Digital Network comp. assem. abbr. Logical AND AMEX symbols Andrea Electronic Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  1. - And is used between repeated words to show continuation or emphasis. * /When the children saw the beautiful Christmas tree they looked and looked./ * /Old Mr, Bryan has known Grandfather for years and years, since they were boys./ * /Billy dived to the bottom of the lake again and again, looking for the lost watch./ * /Everyone wished the speaker would stop, but he talked on and on./ Compare: THROUGH AND THROUGH. 2. - When "and" is used between words with opposite meaning, it often emphasizes how much you mean. * /Mr. Jones worked early and late to earn enough to live./ * /The parents hunted high and low for the lost child./ Compare: DAY AND NIGHT, FROM -- TO, INSIDE AND OUT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. and, ond, orig. meaning "thereupon, next," from P.Gmc. *unda. Related to L. ante, Gk. anti. Phrase and how as an exclamation of emphatic agreement dates from early 1900s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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